Registration Form "2024 ICCJ Conference"

Salzburg, Sunday, June 23 – Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Deadline for registration: June 7, 2024

Please note: During the meeting pictures and recordings will be taken which the ICCJ and its official cooperation partners may use for its public relations work.

Conference Fee

(see "General Information", p.3)

Closing Dinner

I want to participate in the closing dinner on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (costs € 30.00 to be paid together with the registration fee)


(see "General Information", p.4)

During the conference non-vegetarian and vegetarian lunches and dinners will be offered, and ICCJ will cooperate with a caterer for kosher meals. Participants who desire that their meals be kosher can indicate this here, unless they are comfortable with non-kosher vegetarian food.

Annual General Meeting of ICCJ Member Organizations

Please let us know whether you want to participate in the ICCJ Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, June 27, 09.00 – 13.00 hrs. at the conference venue.

Payment Information

(see "General Information", p.2)

A registration is valid and a receipt can be sent only after the conference fee has been received and processed. After submitting this registration form you will receive detailed information and links for the arrangement of payment by Paypal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer.

Please note:
If the credit card holder or the Paypal account owner is not the participant of the conference, please fill in the name as stated on the card or registered at Paypal:


If you have any further questions, please contact the conference team at the ICCJ headquarters:

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