Rededicating Ourselves to Deepening Interfaith Relationships

A Pledge Sponsored by the International Council of Christians and Jews

Yes, I/we cherish interreligious amity and resolve by endorsing this declaration to seek to enact its values in my/our life/lives and work.

Please note: To endorse both as an individual and as an institution or organization, please complete two separate endorsement forms.

Additional information: If as an individual you wish to provide further information for possible mention on the endorsers' list, please give your position, institution/organization, or involvement in interreligious relations in the box(es) below:


If you are signing on behalf of an organization/institution, please share with us the following information:

Please note: If you are signing on behalf of an organization / institution, we will send a mail to your organization / institution with a request for confirmation.



After submitting we will include the information above (except e-mail addresses!) in the online list of signatories

If you have any questions, please contact the ICCJ headquarters via

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